Some introspective hypothetical questions for your consideration: 

If there is a big storm where people are left homeless, do you worry more about helping the people or determining who is to blame for the storm?

Do you think that it is the job of government to provide you access to gasoline that you consider to be affordable?

Do you believe that only through government can an alternative energy source be found?

When somebody does discover an alternative energy source, do you think that he should be able to profit from it or should he be forced to give it to you for a price that you consider to be “fair”.

If global warming does in fact exist and it is found that humans are in fact the cause of the climate change, do you think that a new law or a new politician is the solution to the problem?

Do you think that an unusually warm day is due to global warming? Do you think that an unusually cold day is also due to global warming?

What do you see as the leading cause of the Ice Age? What about the leading cause of the end of the Ice Age?

Do you believe as some do that the 7 continents were originally connected and that the North and South Pole have shifted over the years? Do you think that the Earth is done evolving?

Is it possible for you, your neighbors and your fellow Americans to join together toward some common goal and solve a problem or is it only possible to do so through a government program?

If you were taxed less, do you believe that you may be inclined to donate more to some of your favorite causes?

If you were taxed less, do you think that you would have more money to spend or more to save for your future?

Do you think that spending more money on yourself or on your family is greedy even if you find out that spending money helps the economy by creating more jobs?

Do you think that the President should do something about the economy but you are not sure just what he should do?

Do you think that a new President will be able to make new laws that will help the economy? Do you know that the President is not allowed to make new laws because that is the job of Congress?

Do you think that any problem that exists today is due to some shortcoming in a politician or some lack of a law?

Do you get angry when you hear about storms because you think that somebody should have made a law?

Do you get afraid when you hear about storms because you think that there is something seriously wrong with the planet since we should have evolved past having storms by now?

Do you get angry at politicians because there are diseases which still can make us sick?

Do you get angry at people who try to find cures for diseases because they just want to make money?

Do you think that unemployed people would be better off if they were employed?

Would you think that a minimum wage is a good idea even if it leads to more unemployment?

If someone mows your lawn for $25 per week and then wants $30 per week, is he greedy because he wants that 5 extra dollars or are you greedy because you want that 5 extra dollars?

If you were required to pay $30 per week for someone to mow your lawn, should you be allowed to decide to save the money and mow your own lawn?

If you mowed lawns, would you be better off making $25 per week mowing somebody’s lawn or sitting at home unemployed wishing that someone would pay you $30 per week to mow their lawn?

If somebody borrows so much money from a bank that they cannot make the payments on the loan, do you think that you should be responsible to make his payments for him? 

If you think that he should make his own payments does that make you greedy or evil?

If there is a natural disaster and you took no precautions, do you think that it is the government’s fault?

Do you think that the money you make is your own money?

Do you think that people who have more money should be allowed to spend more money?

Are you surprised when you see that people with more money might live in nicer houses or nicer neighborhoods than people with less money? Do you think this is fair?

Do you think that a person with less money has a right to want to live in a nicer neighborhood and a nicer house?

Do you think that not having medical insurance is the same as not having medical care?

Do you agree with people that choose not to buy medical insurance and use that money on something else?

Do you agree with people that choose not to buy any particlular thing and use that money on something else?

Do you think that it is the role of government to dictate what you choose to spend your money on?

Do you think that the government knows what is best for you and your family?

Do you think that it is the job of government to provide for all of your needs?

Do you think that it is the job of government to make sure that everything is “fair”?

Is personal responsibility and self-sufficiency important to you?

Are you angered that some people have more than you do?

Do you wish that you had more than you do?

Do you think it is right that those who have less than you do want to have more?

Do you think that someone should give poor people more money?

Do you think that you should give poor people more money?

Do you think that “rich people” are people who make more than you do?

Do you think that rich people should give poor people more money?

Do you think that rich people should pay more for things so that you can pay less for things?

Do you believe the statistics that show that the highest murder rates from handguns are in the cities that have the most restrictive gun control?

Do you believe that would-be killers – who face life in prison or perhaps even a death sentence for murder – would change their behavior if there were additional charges added for the use of an illegal gun during their crime?

Do you believe that if people were allowed to have handguns, there would be more murders by handguns? What if statistics showed otherwise? Would it matter or is there something else?

Do you believe that people have a fundamental right to defend themselves?

Do you believe that the war on terror in Iraq is not worth fighting because close to 4000 U.S. troops were killed? What if no U.S. troops were killed during the war – would it have been worthwhile then?

Do you judge the success or failure of a war only on the amount of troops killed? If so, do you know how many of the enemy was killed in Iraq? How about in World War II?

Does the validity of the cause of the war depend on the cost? Are causes worth fighting for only if they are easy enough?

Do you think that President Bush lied about the presence of terrorists in Iraq?


