Welcome to the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The season starts June 1st and goes through November 30th, although hurricanes have been known to happen at other times. Talking about storms and other natural disasters should include a look at what plans you have made in case of emergency.

This is one topic that is a good example of the way that people approach a problem.

There are those who ask,
Why do I need to make plans? It is the Government’s job to deal with it.

Yes, “the Government”, specifically the U.S. Federal Government. For some, the cause of every problem and also the only possible solution. “The Government” is seen as some abstract all-powerful, all-knowing entity that can do anything – as long as the right party is in power. It is perceived to have an endless supply of money – as long as the evil rich “pay their fair share”.

The Government is the “They” in “They should stop global warming”, “They should come up with an alternative to fossil fuels”, “They should give more money to the homeless”, etc. It has seemed to become the omnipotent force by which anything is possible and also the ONLY means by which anything is possible. People seem shocked that in this day and age, there is still disease, storms, wars. Why didn’t the Government do something? People also rely on the Government to solve even the new problems of the day. E-mail spam? Cleaner running cars? Traffic? The Government!

Why do some people think that the Government should be so much a part of our lives? There is no valid historic basis for this in the Constitution – quite the contrary in fact.

Take any issue. Global warming? Have you started car-pooling? Are you driving less? Bought a more fuel efficient car? Why don’t you come up with an alternative to oil? Not an inventor? Why not invest in companies that are looking for an answer? Are you using less electricity at home? Are you waiting for the Government to make some law requiring you to conserve or do you think that it is important enough to do on your own? Do you think that nothing can be accomplished without a law that requires everybody to conserve? If such a law is in fact needed, how effective do you think it will be? Are you hoping that the Government tax rich people more so that you can keep your current energy lifestyle?

 There’s a lot that you can do. Start a ride-share club. Encourage your friends to conserve. Have demonstrations about reducing emissions. If you want to change the way people use energy, start with yourself. Then encourage others. If you can’t get people to join together and conserve energy and reduce emissions, do you think that the Government should make people do it? It is the same people!

How about storm preparedness? Do you have homeowners insurance? Do you have a flashlight? Batteries? Do you have extra canned food around? Or do you feel that you should do nothing and just wait for the Government to take care of you and your every need? Do you think that it is the President’s job to make sure that you are safe during a storm? Where did this belief come from? Are you expecting FEMA to rescue you, house you, feed you? They do not do that. It is not their job. Nor should it be. Have you thought about volunteering for organizations such as the Red Cross or the Salvation Army or your local fire department? That IS their job and they could use a hand – not from the Government or some new program or law, but from you. 

The Homeless –  Some say that more money should be given to the homeless. Did you know that you can give more money to the homeless? You don’t even need the Government for that! better yet, have you volunteered to work at a homeless shelter – or even started one yourself? Or do you think that this should just be up to the Government? Have you worked in a soup kitchen or organized a food drive? Do you just prefer to do what you always do and just point fingers at what the Government – with their supposedly unlimited resources – should do?

For too long there has been a notion that the Government is responsible for everything and capable of anything. It all comes down to people though. It is tempting to sit back and complain about everything and expect George Bush to do everything. But just what are you doing?