Whenever I see an anti-war demonstration, it is baffling because that would suggest that there are some people who are “pro-war”. I believe that most people are in fact anti-war; it is only how they want to see it end that is in dispute. And in war, you can either win or you can lose.

 It is chilling to me that when U.S. soldiers are killed by terrorists in Iraq, there are people here who organize demonstrations against – of all people – the President of the United States!(?).  Why are there no demonstrations against terrorists or terrorism in general? Why do they not demand an investigation into the capture and punishment of those who murdered our soldiers? Why is this blind rage against George Bush and his generals not channeled toward a constructive purpose such as looking for ways of fighting our terrorist enemies? Why is there such a strong desire for a U.S. surrender? Why is there such a movement toward giving more rights to terrorists while taking away anti-terrorist tools from the U.S.?

Instead of fighting terrorism, there are actually some of these types who will look for ways to ensure a U.S. defeat, which they believe may help their own selfish political cause here at home. But if you are “for the troops”, then you must also be against their enemies.

Before General David Petraeus issued his latest report on the war in Iraq, he was pressured by Democrats that if he did not report something in line with their party’s position, they would again call him “General Betray Us”. If he gives bad news about Iraq, he will be portrayed as a brilliant war hero. If he gives good news about Iraq, then he is a “stupid, evil, baby-killing Bush crony”. The war, it would seem, is all about the latest poll numbers and about who will win the White House in November. But what about the troops? What about the terrorists?

But forget about all of that for a moment. Never mind – for a second – how well things in Iraq may or may not be going. Let us get back to the main reason of this war – the fight against terrorism. Is this an important issue to you? Do you want to see an end to terror? Does your answer to this question depend upon how hard the fight will be or how well it is currently going? Do you look at the latest poll results in order to form an opinion?

 There seems to be a popular belief that the course of the war on terror depends on the latest report by General Petraeus. It is as if a report of success means that the troops stay in Iraq and continue the fight and a report of difficulties means that the troops give up as soon as possible. It seems that the latest poll numbers also come into play as well — if people think that we are doing well, then we should have a war against terror but if they think that we are doing poorly then we should give it all up.

I suggest that we may consider separating the two issues. It is important to assess how well the war on terror is going, but do not let it change the core issue of fighting against terrorism. Regardless of the difficulties and how they may be portrayed by the media, the fight against terrorism must go on because the alternative is unacceptable.