After announcing surrender on the War on Terror in Iraq in the President’s usual muddled way to which we have all become accustomed, Americans are unsure as to what exactly is going on over there. Apparently, 50,000 U.S. troops are being left in Iraq for one reason or another, but not for “combat”. While it is no comfort to Americans that troops there will in no way offend or harass terrorists who find refuge and training there, it is certain that SOMEBODYwill find comfort in this announcement.  Regardless, this removal of combat troops had been scheduled a considerable time before President Obama took office and we welcome our troops back home. As for the 50,000 that remain, we have not forgotton about you. Keep up the good work!

What the President does not get though, is demonstrated by his follow up remarks to the Iraqi withdrawal.

Now it is time to “put the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs back to work,” he said. “This will be difficult. But in the days to come, it must be our central mission as a people and my central responsibility as president.”

The employment of millions of Americans is in fact, NOT the role or responsibility of a President. “The economy” is not an enumerated power or responsibiity of the President. As much as people may stamp their feet and gnash their teeth in frustration about the perceived state of the economy, the Federal Big Government is not the means to our salvation.

“But they can pass laws!”
“They can print more money!”
“They can redistribute wealth!”
“They should be given more power!”
“There should be more regulation!”
“There should be a new bureaucracy!”

One can argue that the Big Government is in fact the cause of the current state of the economy. Others may insist that THEIR argument is the right one – that Big Government is the answer.

Let us please not be distracted by such small discussions. What makes our country great and our economy strong is based upon the original principles outlined in our Constitution – the text of which is readily available for free from many sources. The free market and the American Dream of self sufficiency, motivation, hard work, personal responsibility as well as a limited federal government is what started this country and got us to be the most prosperous country in history. Big Government Bureaucrats and the fanatics who support them would be well advised to step aside and let Americans be productive and prosper without all of your “help”.

Stop wasting our money and taxing us towards bankruptcy on programs that we do not want.
Stop wasting our money and forcing us to move our businesses overseas in your attempt to “redistribute our wealth”.
Stop wasting our money on unconstitutional bureaucracies that only worsen our debt and jeopardize our future.
Stop wasting our money while telling us that it is “patriotic”.
Stop wasting our money and let us keep more of what we earned so that we may spend it in the free market.
Stop wasting our money and then call us “greedy” if we complain about your unconstitutional programs.
Stop trying to be our savior when your real job is merely to keep out of the way of our progress  and let us be self sufficient.